Putting In Work.
No rest for the wicked.
London Underground-themed Halloween collection Misery And Other Lines is still available, courtesy of Demain Publishing. And, as always, my full body of published work is here (in addition to the Free Fiction on this site).
Having done a slot with The Tiny Bookcase last month (which will most likely be available next month), next up is a workshop for the online part of the UK Ghost Story Festival this February. Given that it's been a while since I've attended in person, I might make an impromptu in-person attendance at the in-person event. As always, keep your eye on social media for any additional detail or updates.
February is already a busy month. Wrapping the last of the edits for the new collection, along with the next round of edits on Version 2 of a new short story/novelette. Then, it's on to outlining and research for a new novel - which has been scratching and clawing at me for too long - before I return to edits on a revised draft of another novel.
Busy is as busy does.